
Meet the team behind the magic!

Jacob Kleinrock | President & Founder

 A Nashville native, Jacob has worked on political campaigns and for nonprofits in Tennessee and around the country for over a decade. He is a proud graduate of Martin Luther King Magnet High School in Nashville and Hamilton College in Clinton, NY. While at MLK, he served as a Governor Bredesen appointee on the TN State Board of Education.

After getting his start on campaigns in Nashville, he joined a political and nonprofit consulting firm in Washington, DC for a few years before hitting the campaign trail, raising millions for campaigns in Michigan, Tennessee, Iowa, Maryland, and a presidential race.

He has experience hiring and managing large staffs, developing state of the art finance plans, and successfully producing high star-power events with nationally known surrogates.

In 2018, he founded Triumph Strategies as a fundraising and political consulting firm to support political campaigns and nonprofits throughout Tennessee and the Mid-South. He is an avid skier and Titans, Predators, and Dodgers fan. He lives in Green Hills with his wife (Marci), daughter (Anna Rose), and dog (Barley).

Jacob Kleinrock, founder and principal at Triumph Strategies in Nashville, Tennessee

Tara Houston | Vice President

Tara Houston hails from Rivergate and her dream in life is to get quality progressive leaders elected in her home state and to help Democrats reach majority status at all levels of government.

Prior to joining Triumph Strategies, Tara’s work spanned across several nonprofit fields including rare disease research, local economic development and career advancement for immigrant and refugee families.

Tara Houston, managing director at Triumph Strategies

Sean Moriarty | Director of Fundraising

Sean Moriarty got his start in politics as an intern at the Tennessee Democratic Party in 2011. Since then he has worked on city, county, statewide federal, and presidential campaigns across five states in field, digital media, and fundraising. Most recently he served as Freddie O’Connell’s Finance Director for his successful Nashville Mayoral bid. Born and raised in Brentwood, TN, Sean is a product of Tennessee public schools kindergarten through the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He now lives in Knoxville with his partner, Alexandra, and their chihuahua, Tilly.

Christina Keith | Deputy Director of Fundraising

Christina Keith was born and raised in Nashville. Her interest in politics sparked at Hume Fogg High School, where she first remembers learning about the inequities of our public education system. Interested in better understanding the role of government and politics in our public education system, she enrolled at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville and earned a B.S. in Public Administration.

Policies implemented by municipal, state, and federal governments have a real life impact on every individual. Representation matters. This certainty led her to work on Democratic campaigns here in Tennessee both during and after her time in college. Her prior experience connecting with voters has led her to her current role with Triumph Strategies, where she continues fighting for change by supporting those with progressive values to govern and represent us.

Christina Keith of Triumph Strategies

Addie Williams | Senior Finance Associate

Addie grew up in Nashville, TN. Her passion for politics started at a young age as she developed awareness of the inequities in our public education and healthcare systems. In high school and college, Addie’s civic participation ramped up. She participated in voter registration drives and volunteered for local campaigns. As a recent graduate of Middle Tennessee State University, she is excited for the opportunity to put her degree in political science to work by helping to elect progressive leaders across her home state of Tennessee.

Every election is an opportunity to be a part of creating the change we want to see for our communities. Addie is grateful for the opportunity to work with candidates who are committed to improving the lives of Tennesseans.

Scarlett Chen | Finance Associate

Scarlett is a junior at Vanderbilt University, where she is studying Public Policy and Economics. She was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, where she became interested in politics and social justice in high school. She began her activism in 2020 where she raised over $6,000 for the Equal Justice Initiative by hosting virtual benefit concerts during the pandemic.

Scarlett is looking forward to working with Triumph Strategies this semester. With topics of interest in women's rights, healthcare costs, and furthering human rights and liberties, Scarlett hopes to expand her knowledge and insight of these issues and work with Triumph to make Tennessee a more equitable, free, and fair place for everyone to live in.

Esperance Ndayizere | Finance Associate

Esperance Ndayizere journey began in Tanzania, but her roots have deepened in Nashville, TN, where she moved at the age of three. Her passion for politics and the workings of government took root during her freshman year of high school, spurred by her upbringing as a child of immigrants. Witnessing her parents navigate life in a new country, Esperance developed interest in both U.S. and global politics. This curiosity, paired with the constant presence of change and adaptation in her family’s life, shaped her dedication to understanding systems of power. In high school Esperance co-founded a club with a peer, focused on assisting the Nashville community through volunteer work at shelters and warehouses, gathering essential items like food and clothing for those in need. Her drive to support others continued as she engaged in immigration work, helping immigrants establish their lives in the U.S. Now a student majoring in Political Science with a minor in Pre-Law and Civic Engagement, she aspires to be a voice for those who cannot advocate for themselves, with a vision to one day launch a nonprofit that supports families facing intolerable situations. Everyone deserves a chance to make a choice.

Alandra McMillen | Finance Associate

Alandra's roots are firmly planted in Nashville, TN, where her journey toward civic engagement began. Now, in her final year at Middle Tennessee State University, she's forging a path in Politics with a minor in Pre-Law and Civic Engagement. As the visionary leader behind the Legal Studies Society, she's not only its President but its founder, guiding fellow students through the intricate process of law school applications. Her influence extends further as she steers MTSU's Model United Nations Team with a steady hand.

The catalyst for Alandra's fervent dedication to civic activism began in 2017 with the tragic Parkland shooting, igniting a nationwide call to action through March For Our Lives. Today, she works within the American Democracy Project (ADP) on campus, where her unwavering aim, shared by her ADP peers, is to establish a polling location on campus, ensuring every student has convenient access to casting their ballot. Alandra believes that voting should be easy.

She is excited to collaborated with Triumph Strategies, aiming to turn the state a shade bluer, echoing the aspirations of many who share her vision for a more inclusive and representative democracy.